Windows - SystemRoot > system32 > drivers > etc > hosts
By default the system root is C:\Windows, so if you are using Windows, your hosts file is most probably: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts)
Step 1
Get the IP of Your Server e.g
First, check out the IP of your server or the IP provided by one of our engineers.
Step 2
Add New Entry in Your Local Hosts File
Now, we need to update the hosts file on your local device.
We need to open Notepad as Administrator.
Go to File -> Open and browse to the location of your hosts file
(C:Windows\System32\drivers\etc\) and open hosts file. Make sure that (All Files *.* ) is selected
in file type section.
Step 3
Paste your copied IP Address and type your domain name with and without www e.g.
Click on File.
Now click on Save to save the changes.
After doing this process, your local device points to the new server for your application domain.
You can now test all your website functionality while your users/customers continue to access the original server.
Once you are happy that everything is working smoothly on your new server, you can ask us to take your site live from DDevOps.
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